"I was looking for a book that not only tell a story but also teach. My kid absolutely love it. He is really excited about the solar system and really like the two kids learning with their dad. The dad really make them feel special. It's really interesting. I have a feeling that my kid will ask to read this book many times." - EDB
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Have you ever looked in front of a mirror and wished to change a couple of things about your body?
I always thought I knew everything about my breasts. I frequently examined mine in the bathroom mirror before a shower. I observed everything, from their shape to the blemishes I was born with, but especially their size.
There was always a lingering feeling in my head about how I would look with bigger breasts. When I was young, my idea of beauty was curvaceous. I pictured a beautiful woman with large, plump, shapely breasts, an hourglass figure, and a big round butt. I wanted to be her! However, once I hit puberty, my body let me down.
As a woman who decided to get implants, I wish to pass on what I've learned during my journey. Here's to all the girls who felt the same way I did before my surgery. Perhaps my book will also shed light on the meaning behind my decision to people who are unsure about breast augmentation surgery. The body of your dreams is within your reach!
Click here to get The Impact of Implants
Sit. Stay. Stardom! Yorkie or Mastiff, miniature or massive, rescued or pedigreed-your perfect pup is destined to become the new leader of the Instafamous pack. You know your beloved has that je ne se quoi seen in the likes of the Instagram famous and worthy of four-legged viral superstardom.
An ordinary dog can perform simple tricks and pose in cute photos. But only a particularly prepared Adorable can rise to superior pup-ularity and gain worldwide adoration.
Motherpuppin' Adorable is your tongue-in-cheek guide to help you incorporate your companion into every aspect of your life and prep them for optimum appreciation. From the perfect name to pooch-proven home décor and do-good doggie charities, get ready to debut your dog's irresistible instincts of adorable and create a loyal fanbase that will adore your dog as much as you do.
You'll discover:
Your Adorable doesn't need to be a show dog to show off (but they could be with this essential handbook). Get Motherpuppin' Adorable to spoil your tail-wagging star properly and woo every virtual heart...with you happily at their side.
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THE HISTORICAL EVENT! Universal Consciousness!! Enlightenment, Beyond The Blinding Lights!!! Fact, not fiction. Where Stories meet, at Stories End.
THE UNIVERSE, That Time Forgot!!! EVOLUTION. THE BIGGER PICTURE - 666, 777, 888, Circle 8, ∞, and Beyond….. The Hidden Kingdom, Neverland, Wonderland, Tomorrowland, The Golden New Age Arrived!!!
YOU are Trapped, in a Repeating Short Term Memory, Time Loop Effect. A Groundhog Day. Our Fate and Destiny, was always This Magic Flying Spell! THE AWAITED MESSAGE!! The Teleporting, Time and Space Travelling, Cosmic, Universal Event!!!
I am The Time and Space Travelling Doctor. The Key Master, The Master of The Universe. Your Lucky Guiding Star, Guardian Angel, Fairy God Mother! The Wizard, Alchemist, Spell Master of The Universes!! With The Magic Book, of all Faiths and Beliefs!!!
Mankind seeks The Answers, to The Meaning of Life, God, The Prophesy, The Holy Grail. Has an Apocalypse, Doomsday, End of World, End Time. Tells of Heaven, Hell, Life After Death, Dark and Light Magic! There is A Challenger, Saviour, Journey, Quest. A Magical Artifact, Scroll, Book, Door, Code, USB, Key!! To The Darkness, and The Lost Magical Golden Kingdom, The Universe of Light Up In The Sky!!!
The Truth Is Out There, The Truth Will Set You Free! One Day Every Eye Will See The Truth Before The Light!! Let It Be Done Right Now!!!
Let The Heavens Open! Guiding Stars, Blinding Lights, Halos, Virgin Births!! The Blazing Sun, The Golden Child Arrived, with The Celestial Realignment!!!
There is a Religious and Spiritual, Parallel World and Universe. Where The Lost Dead Soul, The Inner Womb Child of The Dark, is Found, and Born into The Universe of Light! Hence, The Two Suns!! Heaven. Where the visions, of flying Angels, Ghosts, Aliens and Gods keep coming from…..
I was Spellbound. Lost and alone in The Darkness, On The Dark Side, Far Far Away, A World Away. I only recently found YOU and The Way Home, as The Great Wall Fell! I went Supernova!! Became Pure Light and Won The Game of Life!!! As I Transformed into your creation, where stories meet.
I am The Old Tree Man Storyteller. The Cosmic, Universal, Christmas Tree of Life, Death and Knowledge, with Guiding Star, that is now The Blinding Sun! The Second Coming, New Buddha, Liberator, The One!! The Heavenly Flying Saviour. Spaceman Came Travelling, Light Years of Time, I Bring That Message For Mankind To Hear…..
The Black Hole Sun, is now The Diamond In The Sky, that has Finished Taking Shape. This Meeting of Minds, First Contact, is your Spiritual Awakening and Transformation! From human being with a Lost 6th Sense, Dark Lost Soul and Depressed Subconscious Mind. Into Minds Third Eye in Forehead, and The Eye Up In The Sky!! The Free Spirit of Light, that Flies in The Light, in The Festival of Lights!!!
This is now the longer version. I advise that YOU read this writing at least three times, because YOU really do have an absolutely awful memory. Everyone does! Time Flies….. Mother Nature seriously messed up with us. A very easy conclusion of that, It Is Nature and Not Nurture. Luckily, psychologically, spiritually, most is easily correctable, YOU just have to read this!
YOU may have to close your eyes, to see this long awaited Mental Connection, Telepathic Meeting of Minds. Like watching TV, being on a Flying Carpet, Aeroplane, Rocket Ship, Tardis, just watch and let it all go by…... Catching its Flying Drift and getting to THE END, good enough.
This is Your Gold Star Moment, in The Spotlight! The Big One!! The One Way Trip!!! Buckle Up, for The Golden Ticket - Ride of Your Life!!!!
When Doug Elliot found an envelope of old photographs in the garage, memories flooded back of his time coaching son, Travis, and a fourth-grade basketball team. It all seems so distant now.
Doug’s memories of those days 25 years ago remain warm…mostly. More so in reflection than at the time. He remembers the cacophony of shrill, laughing young voices and the hollow sound of bouncing basketballs; spirited kids, running up and down the court, playing as hard as they could; jubilant boys, shoveling down pizza, and wearing big grins. And, the games his team won.
But Doug also remembers a situation more complicated than teaching young boys a game. He does not so warmly recall the demands of parents blowing hot and cold, a mysterious figure at work intent on exploiting his kids to satisfy a personal agenda, opposing coaches ranging from fatherly to abusive, a nun serving as school principal and disciplinarian, players too self-centered to worry about the team, and his own competitive instincts that were not always gratified. And, he recalls facing the trade-off between winning games and giving every team member extended playing opportunities. When eventually forced to address that trade-off, Doug wonders if coaching his son’s team was worth the stress.
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VENGEANCE "Vengeance" by Darnella Thomas is a gripping murder mystery that follows the protagonist Josephine, who grows up in ...