Thursday, June 30, 2022

Finding Earth


Finding Earth:

A space adventure through

the solar system for kids 

You are stuck in space and need to find a habitable place stay before your supplies run out! Let your imagination run wild as you make your way through the solar system looking for a planet or moon that is just right for you to survive.

A picture story book filled with visually captivating computer rendered images of the stunning planets and moons in the solar system is sure to dazzle young minds eager to explore the wonders of the universe.

• Realistic computer rendered images of planets and moons

• Fun and cute watercolor style sketches on every other page

• Suitable for kids under 10 years of age or anyone else who enjoys pictures of space

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Teddy and Bella`s adventure - To the rescue


Teddy and Bella`s adventure - To the rescue

In this book, you will discover Teddy and Bella. Teddy and Bella are two lovable pups who live to save the day. In this adventure, you will discover how they helped save the day in their town.

This story is about saving the day from danger. Throughout these pages, you will discover a fast-paced tale written to keep children interested right from the start. Plus, the characters are not exactly who you think they really are. There are surprises on every page!

But that's not all that you will discover in this wonderful tale of excitement and imagination.

Here is a sneak peek of what you will find in this book:

Colorful and vivid descriptions sure to spark imagination and creativity.A fast-paced adventure filled with mystery and excitement.An easy-to-understand writing format perfectly suitable for bedtime stories or kids' own reading.Great characters resembling real-life heroes.Interesting dialog between characters.Fun and enticing descriptions of people and places.An exciting story that anyone can easily relate to.An amazing pair of pups you will surely fall in love with.Plus, two furry heroes sure to capture the hearts and admiration of readers, young and old.

on Google Play


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Little Girl, Big Feelings


Little Girl, Big Feelings

Is there a little girl with big feelings in your life?

This charming book explores and names a wide-ranging, ever-fluttering array of emotions commonly experienced by children during their daily activities (and yours). Feelings help us grow.

Help your little one grow BIG and STRONG!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Speaking Kind Words


Relationships suffer greatly when partners no longer speak kind and loving words to one another. Saying the same words over and over, day in and day out, can become common place and those once powerful words lose some of their potency. In fact, do you remember the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?” That really isn’t true. Not only can words hurt, but so can the lack of kind and loving words. Rob Alex, share with you a method to bring back and even add new loving words to your relationship. Following the approach presented in Speaking Kind Words will improve and bring a new outlook to your relationship.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Shattering The Food Pyramid


Shattering the Food Pyramid

Have you ever wondered how the food pyramid came to be such a recognizable symbol of good nutrition and a balanced diet? We all strive to be our best selves, and a healthy diet is often a foundational piece of that goal. Food pyramids offer suggestions on how to achieve that essential healthy diet, but where does this guidance come from?

Nutrition drives every part of daily life, and every person's needs are a little bit different. It's a very complex subject that can be impacted by any number of factors. Visual guidelines like food pyramids and food plates are great tools to lay a sturdy groundwork, but they only tell part of the story. They're good starting points, but a deeper dive into underlying science is needed to be able to truly utilize them.

In Shattering the Food Pyramid, explore:

The history and origins of the food pyramid

How the recommendations were decided on

Essential nutrients and the science behind them

Breakdowns of each food group, their constituent foods, and their nutrient composition

Common recommendations for each group designed to balance nutrient content

Expand your mind and gain the knowledge needed to create a balanced diet that's right for you. Understand what creates good nutrition and promotes health without trends or fad diets.

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Amazon / Kindle US Store

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Amazon / Kindle UK Store

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on other Retailers 

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Audible US Store

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Audible UK Store

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Audible FR Store

Click here to get Shattering the Food Pyramid on Audible DE Store

Hero at Home


Hero at Home

Inva is a fighter with dreams of adventure and fame after her mandatory conscription. She is asked to return home to help her siblings with the family business instead of pursue her dream.

Click here to get your copy of Hero at Home


Saturday, June 25, 2022

An Author's Thoughts on Pre-Orders


An Author's Thoughts on Pre-Orders

Is there value in putting your book up for pre-order on services? What type of benefits does a pre-order bring to your book. Many readers what a book right now and don't want to wait until your pre-order time frame ends on the other hand when a reader is really into a series of book they will dish out money to get the next installment as soon as it is available. Listen in as we discuss how you should approach pre-orders for your book.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Lucy & the Lake Monster

Lucy & the Lake Monster:

Volume One, First Edition

Lucy Lago is a nine year-old orphan. She believes that Champ, the Lake Champlain Sea Serpent, lives and lurks in the lake by her cabin in Crown Point. She lives there with her grandpa, who she calls "Papa."

Despite mockery and mercenary forces opposing them, Lucy and Papa determine to venture out on their rickety rowboat and bring awareness of America’s Loch Ness Monster to the world.

Co-written by Academy-Award-considered filmmaker Richard Rossi and retired school teacher Kelly Tabor, Lucy and the Lake Monster is a children’s series and soon-to-be feature film that masterfully illustrates how to overcome mental health challenges like worry, depression, and anxiety with childlike faith.

“For me, growing up in Crown Point was magical. Hearing stories of our legendary Champ, captivated my interest as I swam and explored the shorelines and waters of Lake Champlain. As a teacher, I later took those stories and experiences I had with me into the classroom and shared them with hundreds of students over the years, piquing their interest.” – Kelly Tabor, Co-Writer

“Champ, the sea serpent, is an allegory for God. The pure in heart, like Lucy, see Champ as good. Others teach Champ is a monster for mercenary purposes, the way manipulative ministers scare people today.”- Richard Rossi, Academy-Award Considered Filmmaker, and Co-Writer


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Lucy the Curious Beagle and her Great Escape


Lucy the Curious Beagle

and her Great Escape

Welcome to the stories of Lucy, the curious Beagle. Lucy was born in the countryside of Oxfordshire in England, and is always going on many exciting adventures with her siblings Dilly, Bailey and Bobby.

She is mischievous, independent

and always looking for fun, but most of all she loves everyone with a very big heart.

She often gets bored, one day she convinced her siblings to run away form home and they had an amazing experience until they got lost. Fortunately, they found their parents and make their way home. She appreciates her peaceful life now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Hide the Pup-cakes! Bowser is Here Again


Hide the Pup-cakes! Bowser is Here Again

Could Missie hide her favorite treat from the big stinky, wrinkly English bulldog living right across the street? HIDE THE PUP-CAKES! BOWSER IS HERE AGAIN may be one of the silliest stories ever told about a young pup named Bowser and a little Peke who was quite old.

Hide the Pup-cakes! Bowser is Here Again

on Amazon 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Sexy Challenges 33 Adventures


Whether you want deep soulful lovemaking or hot-rip-your-clothes-off sex, you can consciously connect to your spirituality, your friskiness, your heart and your lover every time with these 33 unique sexy challenges.  Dr. Rob Alex is an amazing power guru who helps you and your partner open your hearts, souls, minds and bodies through playful, metaphysical spirituality and sexuality.

Lovemaking is far more than just a physical interaction between lovers.  It is actually a sacred journey you and your partner travel together.  One of the greatest things about Sexy Challenges is that they're easy, practical and a lot of fun.  And, he lead you on a mystical journey like no other.

Most couples want to keep their relationship hot and sexy, but aren't sure how to do it.  On top of that, they crave a spiritual connection.  However, blending the sexy and the spiritual can seem confusing or even impossible.  Dr. Rob has created a solution with these almost effortless ideas for you and your lover.  

Plan your sexy date nights with the couples' sexual planner while creating planned spontaneity.  Transform yourselves into vampires or Egyptian lovers.  Build a love retrieval machine while exploring an orgasmic reincarnation.  Spin the bottle and sensually motivate your partner. 

When you experience these 33 adventures you'll discover how to create powerful energy with passion, purpose and love.  You'll even learn how to sexually charge your money!

No matter how you look at it, Sexy Challenges 33 Adventures will set your lingerie, spirituality and intimacy on fire.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dandelions in Third Space


Dandelions in Third Space

Many immigrants experience the concept of third space, a culture and language unique to themselves within the intersection of past and present, of there and here. In Dandelions in Third Space, Edytta Wojnar describes her own experiences with this third space she created for herself after emigrating from Poland, which resulted in the loss of language and family. Within this collection of 70 poems, many explore acculturation, investigating what it means to be an immigrant, what it means to be a writer who has lost a language. Expanding the metaphorical concept of third space to marriage, Wojnar describes the continual translation and adoption that occurs between two people’s backgrounds and psychological traits. Wojnar doesn’t shy away from any topic, describing her experiences as an immigrant, a wife, and a mother with refreshing, sometimes brutal, honesty.

“My Mother’s Necklace”, Dandelions in Third Space 
“I left my home country & learned
a lie can be true—
life can be wasted
& there is a metaphor for every loss—
even language.”


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Top Rated Help in Editing Your Book


We love using fiverr and here are some of the best rated proofreader and editors on fiverr for you to check out below!

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions


Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level. Here is an oversize, full-color guide to heat up any bedroom with these tantalizing positions that will enhance your sex, impress your partner, and make lovemaking more fun than ever for you.

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions for penetrative and oral sex, including:

  • Missionary, Butterfly, Cowgirl
  • Amazon, Cowgirl, Hot Seat
  • Spread Eagle, Face Straddle, Leg Up
  • Deepthroat Handstand, Peek-a-Boo
  • Lots Pretzel, See Saw
  • Dancer, Ballerina, Bodyguard

The authors also offer sections on foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, BDSM, sex positions for the overweight, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked.

“We hope this book and all of the positions and adventures inside add much more passion and fun to your sex life. And, in addition, it will create something special and magical for each and every one of you. Take the risk, and at least try each and every one of these positions. It will create a deeper sexual connection with your lover, as well as a more intimate, stronger love for one another.”

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Road Trip Trivia - State of Texas


Road Trip Trivia: State Of Texas:

200 Interesting and Fun Facts About

the Great State Of Texas

Think you know a lot about Texas? From the delicious smell of barbecue in the air to cowboys, guns, and ranches, for which the Great State of Texas is known for, there are also lots of other exhilarating facts about Texas "the Lone Star" state that you may not know about.

The book "200 Interesting Facts About the Great State of Texas" describes the state of Texas in detail. It discusses the history, culture, food and some quirky facts about Texas, such as the duty to give notice before going to steal!

This book discusses the interesting places to visit and the delicious dish to eat. So, if you are ever in Texas, y'all should definitely explore the places in this great state mentioned in this book!


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Red Tide: The Ocean is the Largest Prison on Earth


Moby Dick meets Hannibal Lector in this thrilling historical fiction.

Shanghaied from Boston Harbor in 1898, aspiring medical student Wilhelm is stranded aboard the infamous ship – Red Tide. Ran by a man known only as Captain, the Red Tide is filled with renegades and criminals who remain hidden in the open ocean.

When the Captain learns of Wilhelm's medical education, he forces him to perform horrific surgeries in a makeshift infirmary deep within the belly of the ship. After two years in captivity, Wilhelm escapes aboard a flaming vessel and returns home, hungry for revenge. He assembles his own crew of misfits and sets out on a hunt for the Red Tide.

Can Wilhelm get the vengeance he desires, or be just another victim of the ruthless Captain? Prepare to embark on a thrilling historical adventure.

View the full-length trailer at

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Siblings OO: The Secret Of The Past Returns


Siblings OO: The Secret Of The Past Returns

Ogum and Oxossi are two valiant gods among the ten gods birthed by the goddess Of the sea, Yemanja, who lives in the valley of Orixa, a realm for gods and all magical creatures. The two gods are taken out of the realm while they were still toddlers to protect them from evil forces that had invaded Orixa.

Tempo, god of time, and Exu, god of fire, were tasked with the mission to take the two toddlers to another dimension. With Tempo’s power weakened, Exu shoulders the responsibility of handing over the two young gods, Ogun and Oxossi, into the care of the Gypsy queen. Disclosing the situation and their identity, he requests that she nurtures and trains the two gods for twenty years as her sons, after which he would return to take them back to the valley of Orixa.

The two young gods grow strong and powerful under the training and loving guidance of the gypsy queen and her tribe. Still, their true identities remain unknown until they decide to set out for new adventures outside the land of gypsies with three hundred soldiers at their command.

During their journey, they encounter many difficulties: vanquishing predators that escaped from the magical realm, saving cities, training and exploring the depth of their magical powers, experiencing different supernatural beings, and tasting victories and defeat. A time came when their true identity was revealed.

The seal that bound a hoard of magical evil creatures beneath the ocean of Orixa has broken, evil is unleashed, and Orixa is on the verge of destruction. They locate their brother, Exu, and meet a demigod named Olufe, who joins them on their mission. The four set out in search of Tempo, their elder brother. It is time to return home. The gods realize they have a greater mission; a battle unlike no other has begun. They can’t win with just their powers; they have to stay pure, void of malice, courageous and alert.


    VENGEANCE "Vengeance" by Darnella Thomas is a gripping murder mystery that follows the protagonist Josephine, who grows up in ...