Tuesday, January 31, 2023

We Blend Well Together


We Blend Well Together:

One Boy Learns To Understand The Importance His Extended Blended Family

Caleb secretly wonders what his life would be like if his two parents were still together. He must learn to fight his way past the thoughts of living in two separate homes. In his quest to understand why he has a divided home, he eventually understands why. Today many people are living in divorced and single parent home settings. Caleb is a boy that feels confused and trapped between two different family settings. Driven to find out the truth about his parents split, the reader learns why this suburban North Carolina boy is frustrated. Is it wrong for Caleb to try to understand his family dynamic? Or should he remain silent? In a world where blended families are the new norm, take a look at Caleb’s journey and understand his family environment. Patrice Shavone Brown, being a controversial author, explores why the topic of blended family homes is important.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Books By Danielle Bell

 Books By Danielle Bell 

Grandpa, I Choose You

"Grandpa, I Choose You" reinforces how important it is for children to see that love passes through generations and only grows with time. Grandfathers have literally watched their family multiply and the love multiplies right alongside. Relax and enjoy reading why your little one chooses you!

Grandma, I Choose You captures the love from a grandchild to their grandmother through memories and fun times. From extra chocolate cake to staying up late..., time with grandma is a precious moment. So, cuddle up and enjoy reading why your grandbaby chooses you!

Mom I Choose you is the first of a series of books written from the child's perspective on why they love and choose you. Dedicate this book to a special mom, or mom to be and watch how she glows just knowing that she has been chosen! Be sure to use the journal at the end to capture special bonding moments!

Dad I Choose you demonstrates how the father or father figure resonates love for their child through displays of love given to the mom from pregnancy to birth and beyond. It's no surprise infants and toddlers are soothed by hearing their dad's voice...because they've heard it all along!

or Visit the Authors Site Below

Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet


The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet

The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet provides a playful and fun way to show children, parents, educators and caregivers the healthier side of living. The author intentionally moves away from naming ordinary everyday foods and uses the alphabet as a tool to introduce children to foods that may be new or different. The need to create healthier lives for a healthier world starts with our most prized asset, our children.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Self-Regulation and Emotional Well-being for Kids

Self-Regulation and Emotional Well-being for Kids:

Understand, Empower and Equip your child to deal with their big Emotions, strong Feelings and impulsive Behaviors

Download this book FREE January 23, 24, 30 & 31, 2023

Did you know that Developing self-regulation and emotional well-being skills help your child by 12% to have high academic success and decrease by 42% their physical aggression from their peers?

Self-Regulation and emotional well-being are learnings where children can develop and successfully apply knowledge and skills to understand and control thoughts, and emotions, show empathy to others, develop healthy relationships, set positive and realistic goals, and make sound decisions.

As parents or caregivers, after reading this book, you will have a clear answer to these questions:

  • How can you promote and support self-regulation in your child's development?
  • How can you help your child to build self-discipline?
  • What strategy can you use to relax and calm your child while angry?
  • How do you manage your child's negative feedback?
  • What changes in approach or strategies should you make to develop self-regulation and control in your child?

Self-Regulation for Kids allows them to explore, express, and take control of their big feelings, thoughts, and emotions. When children have difficulty self-regulating, it can make it harder for them to get along with peers and family members, hurt their academic achievement, and inhibit their ability to complete activities of daily living.

Self-regulation in kids is a proactive, self-directed process for attaining goals, learning skills, coping with big feelings & emotions, and managing emotional reactions, which fuels children to become socially and emotionally engaged lifelong learners. It needs an ongoing practice opportunity to develop robust self-regulation.

Did you know that to promote self-regulation in a child, you don't need to avoid difficult situations for kids to handle? But to coach kids and provide a supportive framework, the behavior you want to encourage until they can address these challenges on their own.

When children struggle with self-regulation, it often leads to behavior that makes them feel even worse and creates very stressful situations for other family members.

Self-regulation skills include self-control, self-awareness, emotional management, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. Learning to be brave and confident and tackle challenges is one of the essential steps in a child's development, and it's never too early to help little ones build those skills to feel good about themselves. 

Developing self-regulation is the seed that teaches children to become less reactive and more proactive in their learning with less frustration and distraction. It leads children to self-confidence and positive self-esteem. Child's minds develop rapidly, and toddlers are well on developing positive self-regulation.

By developing Self-regulation and control, you will learn:

  • How to identify and explore their big emotions, unhelpful thoughts, and feelings.
  • How to handle children's thoughts, anger, excitement, anxiety, and sadness.
  • How to use self-regulation strategies in any naturally occurring situations and learn to calm the child's body.
  • How to make a choice and a plan.
  • How to identify and be prepared for a condition that may be tricky for them to navigate.

This book is an easy-to-understand guide for parents, filled with engaging scenarios, plans, and methods that show kids how to be mindful to work through challenging emotions and feel happier.

Therefore, if you need a variety of "essentials" to help your kids learn about their thoughts, feelings, behavior, and actions, then this book is for you and every caregiver. Enjoy the read.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Negative to Zero


Negative to Zero

"Negative to Zero" is a powerful motivational self-help book by Joseph Rutakangwa. The book is inspired by the author's journey from wealth to extreme poverty and back and the lessons he learned along the way.

The title, "Negative to Zero," refers to the transition from being in a negative state, where one is not fully aware of oneself and the surrounding forces, to the point of awareness, or "zero." This book is a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their lives and achieve their goals.

The author shares his philosophy on succeeding in all lines of work and achieving almost anything you want. He provides practical advice, real-life examples, and powerful exercises to help readers overcome negative thought patterns, build self-awareness, and succeed.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Natural Healing & Medical Research


Natural Healing and Medical Research:

Learn the Secrets of Natural Medicine

Learn the secrets of natural medicine and how herbalism can heal your mind, body, and spirit.
Scientists today starting to understand how wild animals use plant medicines to prevent diseases. With Zoopharmacognosy, many exotic plant species were used to treat health conditions by many healers. Herbs and Medicinal parts of the plants are used by many ethnic groups around the world. In this book, we research the secrets of traditional medicine and if these secrets are supported by clinical studies. Traditional medicine secrets, natural treatments, folk healing practices, superfoods, physical activities for well-being, longevity, and of course medical research. I will share holistic and powerful effective remedies for living a better life.
Natural Medicine Secrets.
A Holistic Approach to Improving Health.
Secrets Of Natural Diet.
Herbal Medicine Uses.
Alternative Treatments.
Treatments for many medical problems such as upper and lower respiratory diseases like allergies and asthma, stomach problems like gastritis, and acid reflux, tooth disorders, viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mental health concerns like anxiety, and so on.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Good Night, Sleepy Planets


Good Night, Sleepy Planets

Bedtime Stories from Lisa: Bedtime story for children 4-8 years old | A magical journey through the solar system!

This is a magical bedtime story about a little girl named Lisa and our solar system.
Gorgeous illustrations and a captivating rhyming story will help your child relax and fall asleep. This book is suitable for children 4-8 years old, as well as older ones for independent reading.
All planets have real characteristics. This book is a great way to introduce your child to the solar system and reads fun and relaxing bedtime story.
Sweet Dreams!

Click here to get Good Night, Sleepy Planets on Amazon Paperback

Monday, January 23, 2023

Forces of Life





This is a journey into the forces that shape and control our life. The ideas others have embedded in our minds profoundly impact ourselves and our future, for better or worse. Understanding how this works is the beginning of gaining control over our own mind.
Throughout his life as a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln went through periods when he felt “like a failure.” At the age of 40, he sat down and wrote a note, comparing his own failure in life to the greater success of his competitor, Stephen Douglass, who was renown throughout the country. We see this comparison repeatedly in school when teens compare their own success, in sports, dating, and looks, to that of others. It creates a sense of failure.
Lincoln wrote, “Stephen Douglas’s life is one of splendid success, whereas I am a failure, a flat failure.” Today, he is remembered as our greatest President.
Rick Springfield, now a millionaire rock star, and writer, has written an autobiography, Late, Late at Night, opening with his suicide attempt at the age of seventeen. Why would this man, now a millionaire who has achieved so much success in life, attempt suicide at seventeen?
Springfield says he saw himself as a failure at “the only life arena” he had ever known—school. He saw himself as unpopular and unliked, without friends, and a failure with girls (all the things on which teens judge their own value). He had no one he felt he could talk to about his feelings.
Some kids do very well in our schools, some do very poorly; most just survive with little direction or awareness of what goes on all around us. All of us are immersed in a world of value judgments by others. School teaches us to compare ourselves to others, in grades, sports, popularity. Understanding that you are not alone is basic to protecting ourselves from the harmful value judgments others put in our minds.
Princess Diana, Megan Markle, First Lady Michele Obama, and even Oprah have spoken publicly about the self-doubt and depression they have gone through, never knowing how common these problems are. We tend to believe that we are the only ones suffering from self-doubt and anxiety. Our educational system has failed to teach us what we need to know to avoid this.

Click here to get Forces of Life on Amazon / Kindle

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Flexin In My Melanin


Flexing in my melanin is about empowering, encouraging and motivating young girls children preteens and teens to love themselves no matter what they look like to instill morals and build character Kayla takes you on a journey so that she may remind you to be confident in who you are and have the courage to dream big. Reminding you that you are here on purpose for a purse to love yourself and flex in you melanin while being authentically you with confidence love and gratitude with sprinkles of affirmations so you never forget!

Find out more at:

instagram handle: Miss_officialone and @kayln_milan

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Second Chance Family: A Dogs Are Family Too Story


Second Chance Family:

A Second Chance in Life and Love?

Second Chance Family: A Dogs Are Family Too Story.

“Frank doesn’t sound too good today,” Wolf muttered to himself.

Born on the sod farm that Frank owned, Wolf, the St. Bernard, had spent his youth running across every inch of the property, from fence post to fence post. North, south, east, and west. Defying the limitations of his breed, he had accompanied Frank while hunting. No matter the season, no matter the objective, Wolf had always been by Frank’s side.

But there is a problem.

The post-pandemic economy has hit people hard. Including Frank and his wife Martha.

“Even if there was enough room, the building manager doesn’t allow pets of that size. Small dogs and cats are fine. Nothing this large,” Frank explained.

Martha turned to look at Wolf. Her eyes were crimson from the pain in her heart. Wolf watched. His instincts told him the worst was about to happen.”

Second Chance Family has everything a dog lover 's story can offer: drama, romance, and a good share of kind, compassionate, and responsible people that combine to create an engaging story.

Will life give Wolf a second chance?

With captivating storytelling, author Miranda Rose Barker will take you on a wonderful heartwarming journey that will keep you hooked until the very end.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Titanic Book of the Kid Servants


Titanic Book of the Kid Servants:

A Haunting Story of the Bellboys Aboard:

A Mystery Romance Thriller

Titanic Book of the Kid Servants: A Haunting Story of the Bellboys Aboard is a mystery thriller that tells the story of bellboys who served the doomed luxury liner. They all vanished with the ship as she slipped beneath the ice of the cold unforgiving ocean water and never to be seen again.

Years later, Matt and Margret by chance crossed paths on the Emerald Tribute Cruise. Their ship faced a mysterious transverse with the ghosts of the bellboys from the Titanic’s past. Their inquisitiveness led them to unveil several hidden secrets on the tragic night of April 15, 1912. Both Matt and Margret being history buffs, uncovered the truth behind the existence of the ghosts and were convinced that several had been lingering on their ship. Margret detected their paranormal activities through her electromagnetic field detector gadget.

The thrill began when the dead souls of the bellboys started to haunt Margret and Matt. Unveiled the secrets buried from 1912 as they started the unexpected journey with the ghosts. What was in the letter that Matt was supposed to deliver to Archie?

Through gripping details, Titanic Book of the Kids Servants: A Haunting Story of the Bellboys Aboard brought to life the forgotten story of these young men, their struggles, and the passengers they served. It served as a potent symbol of human fortitude and resiliency in the midst of misfortune. As they confronted the catastrophic sinking of the ship, they faced their own destiny.

This page-turning novel takes the reader on an unforgettable journey giving a new perspective on the Titanic story and exploring the lesser-known aspects of the extraordinary incident at sea.

The Titanic Book of the Kids Servants is an unforgettable journey into a lost world of Victorian servitude, where small boys as young as twelve were indentured to the wealthy families of Britain and sent to work in the greatest luxury liner built at the time.

Through vivid descriptions, this remarkable book brings us face-to-face with the young souls who embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime journey that tragically ended in disaster. Hear their personal stories in their own words starting from recruitment to grueling work assignment and their mistreatment. Walk through their footsteps as they boarded the Titanic's ill-fated maiden voyage brimming with hope despite bleak prospects. A unique hybrid of solemn remembrance and thrilling adventure. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Bess & Babs Thankful Thursday


Bess and Babs Thankful Thursday

Join Bess and Babs On Their Adventure Through The Magical Jungle, To Find The Special Berries For Their Family's Holiday Feast!

In the Mando jungle, humans and animals interact in fantastic ways. Meet Bess, a 7-year-old girl who knows her way about the jungle as much as any of the animals who live there. One day, Bess helps Babs, a baboon who finds herself tangled up among some vines. Together, they embark on an adventure to find the special holiday ingredient for Bab's Family dinner: berries.

They will face obstacles but get help from Gerry Giraffe, Harry Hippo, and Rob Ranger.

See what happens when a host of old and new friends unite at Bab's Family Holiday Feast.
Can YOU guess which holiday Bab's family and friends are celebrating?

With vibrant and colorful illustrations, the magic of the Jungle characters is captured on each page. Bess and Babs Thankful Thursday shows young readers how Kindness and Thankfulness can be expressed to anyone, in any part of the world or at any time of the year.

Themes include Gratitude, Kindness, and Friendship

Ideal for ages 3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 and grades K-3



    VENGEANCE "Vengeance" by Darnella Thomas is a gripping murder mystery that follows the protagonist Josephine, who grows up in ...