Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Beautifully Broken


Very early one morning, I bolted up from the bed with a strong compulsion to write on my relationship with my mother and why it was such a huge struggle to have a healthy relationship with her.
Of course I was puzzled. “Where is this going Lord?” I wondered. But we’re not supposed to question God right? So I got up still a bit groggy, grabbed my journal from under the bed and began writing.
And Guess What?
Every thought became healing words. Every word brought on clarity. And every time my pen touched the journal, it was a fierce mix of emotions! Hot tear balls streamed from my eyes, yet I did not stop writing. Somehow, I just couldn’t.
Sometimes our healing comes through the very things that try to break us. But in the process of being broken into pieces, we can be remolded into the masterpiece that God originally designed us to be. Once you acknowledge this truth, you begin to set yourself free, ready for your own healing journey, ready to help set others free along the way.
I am driven to share my story with you, although my own healing process is still ongoing. So what exactly am I trying to heal from? An illness? a disease? addiction to drugs? alcohol, depression? Oh no, not at all. I was healing from a childhood of missing a mother’s presence. I suffered through this loss time and again, and after a while, I accepted that this was my life and how was I going to move through it.
Here’s what you should know; even if your story is different from mine;
“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit”. Psalm 34:17-18.
This priceless book you now have in your hands, is an unusual story of healing. It’s about how God turned my pain into an unforgettable journey filled with amazing testimonies. I hope you’ll let Him do the same for you?


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