Thursday, August 5, 2021

Regrets, Love, Sex and Life Lessons


Regrets, Love, Sex and Life Lessons

Book is full of memoirs based on regrets, love, mistakes, hurt, lust, horrible decisions and a lot of life lessons

Regrets, Love, Sex and Life Lessons describes all the pros and cons of being an adult. As an adult, we make just as many mistakes as we did as a child or teenager, the only difference is now, we learn from it and take it as a “Lesson or Blessing”. You’re blessed to have experience passion, good sex and maybe “Love”. Or, you have learned a hard lesson on the difference between “Love and Lust “and “Need and Want”.
It seems as we get older, we always end up thinking with the “Wrong Head” and it always causes severe heart break or severe consequences.
One thing I can honestly say is, you’re not living your best life if you’re not making mistakes and you’re not truly an adult, if you’re not learning from them.


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