The very heart of the Community was corrupted by one thing above all: human greed. Those who are turned in have no choice but to work off their debt or be sent to the Medical Waste Facility.
While many in debt dream of living a life of freedom and comfort, Evie only dreams of freedom for her loved ones. After the death of her former assignment, she finds herself forced into the service of Elias Huntley, one of the most powerful men in the Community. Evie wants nothing more than to erase her debt so that she can work towards saving her family. However, nothing can ever be that simple for her.
She soon becomes tangled in Elias’s web of secrets and begins to realize just how cruel the Community is to those in debt. While in his service, Elias forms a dangerous obsession with Evie. One that threatens her chances of freedom and the lives of her loved ones. A race begins between Evie and Elias. She must find a way to escape his grasp before Elias can trap Evie in his world forever.
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