Monday, February 28, 2022

When Silence Speaks: A Collection of Poems

When Silence Speaks: A Collection of Poems

Somewhere in this world, someone seeks the guidance which exists in the words that we keep within. For this reason, silence has now chosen to speak. Birthed on days when inspiration and experiences met poetry, When Silence Speaks peels back the layers of the life that we live. Each poem serves to engage readers in deep thoughts about religion, love and self-awareness, among other things. Emanating from the mind and experiences of a man with a voice too silent to be heard, When Silence Speaks yearns to make his messages be felt. If only one soul gains inspiration from these words, When Silence Speaks will achieve its single goal.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Mashed Myths: Greek Heroes

MASHED MYTHS: Greek Heroes 

How did Jason defeat the dreaded farting Harpies? Was Hercules's hair really that great, really? And why did Perseus love fish milkshakes so much?

MASHED MYTHS is Percy Jackson meets Fractured Fairy Tales. It's a collection of hilariously told ancient myths aimed squarely at 7 to 13 year olds who like to laugh, and laugh a lot. With facts and info snippets mixed in between stories you might even become an Ancient Greek Expert along the way!

Six class tales get the Mashed Myths treatment in this first volume, including:

- Hercules & the Hydra

- Perseus & Medusa

- Theseus & the Minotaur

- Arachidamia & the Epirotes

- Odysseus & the Cyclops

- Jason & the Harpies

MASHED MYTHS: Greek Heroes is perfect for reluctant readers, emerging readers getting started on chapter books and anyone, child or adult, who loves to laugh.

If you want to share a laugh with a child in your life get this book.

MASHED MYTHS are myths made mad, the perfect way to introduce kids to the wonderful and magical world of myths and legends.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sexy Challenges Unleashes Something New


Sexy Challenges unveils a new site dedicated to helping couples constantly improve their relationships.  Let's face it without any work our relationship become stagnant and boring, but with a little effort the flow of our relationships can get better and better over time.  Sexy Challenges is here to give you the information you need through books, videos classes and products to keep your relationship rocking.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Shades of Hypocrisy - Christian Teaching


Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship [Him] in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24).

I believe there are so many worshipers who are in the category of true worshipers. I also believe that there are many who are outside this group. Some of those who are outside the group of true worshipers sincerely long to change for the better – but the rest, for some reason, seek to remain the same.

In John 4:23-24, Jesus talked about true worshipers. What status do they have - the true worshipers?

Jesus said, “…[true worshipers] are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

Now that’s remarkable, because it means that there are certain worshipers that the Father is not seeking at all – the worshipers that the Father does not seek - the insincere worshipers. With regards to these, the Lord expects nothing but total transformation.

We need to be in the right group. We need to always live right with God. Are you the kind of worshiper that the Father seeks? “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5, NIV). Every worshiper needs to do this always; this is where this book comes in handy.

“Am I a hypocrite? Am I not?” “Am I acting hypocritical?” - you might already be quizzing yourself. You do not need to speculate anymore, for the answer is just a few pages away.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Taut Band Treatment: The Ultimate Way to Relieve Pain


Taut Band Treatment:

The Ultimate Way to Relieve Pain

Despite an abundant literature dealing with pain of muscular origin, it is still not clear what the exact source of pain is. Accordingly, the most effective and fundamental remedy to identify and eliminate the source of pain is yet to be ascertained. As a result, there are a great number of people worldwide who are being plagued by pain and not sure of the source despite various conventional pain treatment methods. This book addresses musculoskeletal pain that is not associated with any disease and is the primary symptom of myofascial pain which originates from taut bands at the core of myofascial trigger points.

What distinguishes this book from all others is that this book focused on taut bands at the core of trigger points as the physical source of pain while all others focus on trigger points. Existing conventional pain treatment methods including trigger point dry needling cannot be as effective as they could be when you do not know exactly what to look for in terms of the physical characteristics of target taut bands at the core of trigger points.

If you have not been diagnosed with any disease and yet pain still persists to torment you, you should not rule out the possibility that your pain could be attributable to the development of taut bands caused by muscular overload from excessive or persistent tension in the muscle fiber and/or fascia. Four most common causes for the formation of taut bands are:

  • Prolonged repetitive posture (regardless of good or bad)
  • Prolonged repetitive use of the same muscle
  • Abrupt overexertion of muscle
  • External impact by accidents

This book mainly consists of two parts. Part I of this book sets forth what it takes to be able to identify and eliminate taut bands from a physical and myological perspective. Part I will take those readers who treat or intend to treat pain through elaborate procedures named as Taut Band Treatment (TBT), which will enable complete identification and elimination of the physical source of pain.

Part II of this book discloses a total of 63 clinical cases with corresponding illustrations, which demonstrate how musculoskeletal pains that could not be relieved by existing conventional pain treatment methods can be eliminated by TBT. Readers can refer to the clinical cases that are relevant to the kind of pain that they suffer for self-treatment. Part II will be an easy self-help guide for anyone who is suffering from musculoskeletal conditions and not sure of the source to be able to exit the pain at last.

Monday, February 21, 2022

An Egyptian Tale


An Egyptian Tale:

Amulets of Princess Amun-Ra Vol 1

THERE WAS ONE RULE... Never consort with a human, but Gods and Goddesses make mistakes as well. Amun-RA has created a detrimental situation when he created three alluring Amulets. Izzi-Ra (Iz-Eye-Rah), the princess of Egypt, finds herself linked with a scrawny lower-class boy from the traitorous village outside the kingdom named Neenho (Nino). The two quickly find themselves in a power struggle with the Gods of Egypt. Together, they join forces with some peculiar characters to find the amulets and discover who the princess of Amun-Ra was. All are tethered in a powerful disarray of lies, secrets, and chaos as they embark on the journey of a lifetime through Egypt, where power, magic, and Gods originated.  

The Amulets of Princess Amun-Ra was just a tale told throughout Egypt. I couldn’t care less about some old gems. Parties, gold, silk … I have the blood of the gods coursing through me, being that I am the Princess of Egypt, and my father is Pharaoh, the only earth god.

Ahket, the season of flooding, has passed and the yearly Peret games are underway. The royals in Asir have a lot to celebrate, and the arrival of our greatest allies has the kingdom in a jovial state of mind. But not me. Prince Kade’s arrival is just another ploy of my father’s. With the arrival of my 13th birthday, it seems I am to marry the prince.
Distraught, I attempt to take my life but surprised when, instead, I find new strength. I run away and straight into a young male who belongs to the traitorous village on the outskirts of the kingdom. My perfect world comes crashing around me. The young male, Neenho, and I have he’ka—light!

Between the forced marriage and the magic, a dangerous man is after me and the young male to destroy us for our light … and he wants the Amulets? We are thrown in a whirlwind of chaos, cursed mountains, and secret villages to unearth the Amulets. To top it all off, the gods fear Neenho and I and want us dead. Our own makers!
Well, happy birthday, Izzi-Ra.

Born in Chicago and raised in various parts of Las Vegas, NV, Veranice has always been passionate about writing. She started writing short stories in middle school and by high school she was taking many creative writing classes and screenwriting workshops. She discovered her love for the Ancient Egyptian culture while taking a Mythology course for extra credit. She started many different stories about Egypt but none that kept her interested in continuing them. Her cousin told her of a dream he had about a boy on a cloud, and she placed that boy in Egypt and this story erupted. After 7 years, she was able to complete this tale. Veranice holds a Bachelor and master's degree in business management, IMDB credits in writing and acting, and has taken several independent creative writing courses and film workshops from LA to London. She currently resides in North County San Diego with her two daughters. This is her Debut Novel. The Amulets of Amun-Ra are the first set in this 6-part Tale.

Click here to get An Egyptian Tale on Amazon / Kindle 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

How We'd Talk if the English Had Won in 1066: New Edition 2020

How We'd Talk if the English Had Won in 1066: New Edition 2020

 What might English look like today, had there been no Norman Conquest?

From the easy, to the 'weird and wonderful', learn about this amazing topic - with lists, 'chit-chat', headlines, signs, and names of organisations. Learn the meanings of: Overseas Ambighthouse, Thane wrayed of craft-less wield, Middliand at frith talks ... and many more!

You'll also see that many words lost after 1066 can, in their updated forms, be straightforward and homely-sounding: A king with no afterfollower, He yearnfully watched, misthinking they were better off. Or who might be forebusied, and onbeloaded with work?

Written clearly, for non-specialists (but with the authentic Old English sources in a reference section for those who are!)

This 2020 edition has sundry updates and wends (changes), as well as key highlights from sister book (now out of print) Hastings 1066, Words We'd Wield if We'd Won.

'I think this is great fun ... equivalences are really clever and ingenious' Prof. David Crystal, Linguist, author of the Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language

"Cowley's book is great fun, and a real treasure for authors and re-enactors seeking to write or speak in a form of English that is ... intelligible to modern readers" - Jack Hight, historical fiction author

Click here to get 

How We'd Talk if the English Had Won in 1066:

New Edition 2020 on Amazon 

or learn more at

The Family She Never Met


The Family She Never Met: A Novel 

Between two worlds, between love and loss, she finally finds her way home.

Jessica Russo knows nothing about her mother’s family or her Cuban culture. Every time she’s asked about it, her mother has shut down. But when the Cuban grandmother she’s never met sends her right-hand man, Luis, to offer Jessica the chance to come to Miami and meet her estranged family, she can’t help but say yes, even as she knows it will pain her mother.

The woman that Jessica meets is nothing like what she expected. Her grandmother is successful, intelligent, determined, and all too willing to take blame for what has happened to cause the estrangement, and, more importantly, to try and set things right. As Jessica spends time with her grandmother in her beautiful island home, she learns about her family’s history and what caused the schism between her mother and grandmother.

As days with her grandmother turn to weeks, Jessica is determined to find a way to heal her fractured family. And in the end, Jessica might just learn something about herself and what it means to embrace the many facets of her identity.

Amazon Paperback:

Thursday, February 17, 2022

EyMiSo: A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind



A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind

It widely accepted that the subconscious mind when free of from the ego, clutter and erroneous messages submitted by the conscious mind will, by proper instruction, make certain that you will gain everything you could imagine.Wealth, love, radiant health, the eradication of bad habits like smoking or overeating and even enhancing your learning abilities; in fact, there is no facet of your life that can’t be improved because there is not one part of your life that is not controlled by your subconscious.If you are not familiar with the concept of the subconscious and the conscious mind - don't worry, I have dedicated the first few chapters of this book to discussing the basic principled in a simple and logical way.When you learn those secrets you will prosper in all things. The greatest achievers; poets, artists, writers, scientists, philosophers, politicians knew that innately.That poses the question, what is ‘proper instruction’? This is where the EyMiSo process is different. Most books on the subconscious suggest techniques like repetition in a sleepy, dreamy state, hoping this will filter into your subconscious.These are not always effective. EyMiSo is a radically different approach. I detail and explain fully by example in a step by step manner how it works - a secret you are so close to obtaining right now. There is no doubt that when clearly instructed the subconscious will faithfully and obediently fulfil all requests. Happiness, health and abundance is a choice - choose it wisely, choose it now and it will be yours.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word

with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia 

Hi! I’m Beatrice, and I love words, especially BIG, GINORMOUS words like on-o-mat-o-poe-ia. Isn’t that a fun word to say? ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! Are you ready to go on an adventure? 

Let’s see if we can find a word that rhymes with ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! 

Follow Beatrice’s lead and ask your family to help you make up a few of your own rhymes to bring your own favorite sounds to life. 

Your family may also enjoy reading the helpful hints at the back of the book for creating your own family project. 

This is a perfect book for children learning to sound out words and sentences. Filled with sounds, rhymes, and rhythm, this book instills confidence and supports success for children eager to start reading on their own.

Click here to get

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia 


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

September 12


September 12


The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 sees Andrea Carter Brown gathering her work into one devastating bouquet of terror, survival, grief, and recovery. From stark moment-to-moment narrative of the flight from her apartment one block from the Towers, through the poems of loss and recovery, her honesty refuses simple answers and refuses to prettify. Bracketed by poems that celebrate the beauty of New York and of the life that followed, Brown pulls us through the arteries of trauma to a wise and astonished consciousness of what it means to heal. To sing again.

Monday, February 14, 2022

My Wonderful Mama

This Powerful children's book story will enable you to smile along with your little one, with its engaging, educative and very informative content.
It will help Every little girl and boy to learn and explore with their mama and to Tolerate and respect Everyone, Especially little 'Brown skinned boys and girls'.
Diverse book which combats and detest 'Racism' and 'Inequality.

#Refreshing, play-fun and learn with mama
#Mama's love is the best
#picnic #cooking #Ice cream #hugs #readingwithmama
#Mama says we are all very special
#BookSeries #MyawesomePapa vol.2


Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Kitten in My Closet


Ollie has hidden their most worrisome secret away from all of their friends, but one day it comes out of the closet.

This heart-warming story is about Ollie, and just like most kids, they desperately want to fit in with their friends, but Ollie has a secret, something their friends say that they don’t like and it is making Ollie anxious.

So like most kids, Ollie has hidden the secret away, some place where no one is supposed to find it. But one day, that secret comes out of the closet.

A perfect book for discussing secrets and worries both big and small with children.

Sometimes we don’t know how to express what we are feeling, until we see others deal with the same worries and issues that we are facing.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Sea Truffle Guardians


Sea Turtle Guardians:

Kinder Square Kids Visit Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Sea Turtle Guardians is a non-fiction account told through the eyes of the fictional characters of Kinder Square. The writing of Robin MacBlane and the illustrations of Larry Whitler take the reader to the nesting places on the coast of Florida of the incredible sea turtles.

Based on the work of the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno, Florida, Sea Turtle Guardians brings advanced young readers into the world of veterinarians and ecologists who work diligently to improve the health of injured and diseased sea turtles and to educate the public on the importance of being good stewards to these amazing creatures and, in fact, the entire earth.


    VENGEANCE "Vengeance" by Darnella Thomas is a gripping murder mystery that follows the protagonist Josephine, who grows up in ...