Wednesday, February 16, 2022

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word

with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia 

Hi! I’m Beatrice, and I love words, especially BIG, GINORMOUS words like on-o-mat-o-poe-ia. Isn’t that a fun word to say? ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! Are you ready to go on an adventure? 

Let’s see if we can find a word that rhymes with ON-O-MAT-O-POE-IA! 

Follow Beatrice’s lead and ask your family to help you make up a few of your own rhymes to bring your own favorite sounds to life. 

Your family may also enjoy reading the helpful hints at the back of the book for creating your own family project. 

This is a perfect book for children learning to sound out words and sentences. Filled with sounds, rhymes, and rhythm, this book instills confidence and supports success for children eager to start reading on their own.

Click here to get

One Day I Tried to Rhyme a Word with On-o-mat-o-poe-ia 


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