Monday, March 21, 2022

Nick Newton's Guide to Cryogenic Time Travel

Nick Newton's Guide to

Cryogenic Time Travel


Meet Nick Newton: 
Cop. Time traveller. On the trail of a futuristic killer.
And maybe – just maybe – fast asleep the whole time.

For Nick Newton, a thirty-something cop confined to a boring desk job after being injured on the job, it sounded like just the thing: attend a career progression webinar and escape the life-rut he’s trapped in by doing something different and earning some easy money.

At first, when the “easy money” mentioned on the webinar turns out to be a military contract, Nick is even more intrigued… until he finds out that he’ll be doing the only thing even more boring than his current job: sleeping. Still, money is money, and spending single day in a cryogenic testing facility getting paid to snooze can’t be that bad.

But when a “minor mishap” causes him to wake up a bit later than planned – one hundred yearslater, to be exact – Nick finds himself in a futuristic world he didn’t expect and doesn’t understand.

At first it’s a nightmare, but after a while Nick discovers that this might have been just the thing for him, because it seems the twenty-second century needs the kind of help only a twenty-first century cop can provide: ocean bases belonging to the United Seas Federation have been attacked, and the USF needs a skilled investigator to track down the culprit.

Just the thing for a seasoned cop looking to find his place in the future.

Now, Nick’s on the trail of a rogue submarine captained by someone who wants to set the world ablaze. But can a hundred-and-thirty-year-old Millennial really make a difference in the twenty-second century? Can a time-displaced cop with a bum hip really catch a futuristic madman?

And, not least of all: is any of this really happening, or is it all just the bizarre dream of a man who doesn’t know he’s fallen asleep at his desk?

Fans of time travel, adventure, mystery, and a dash of humour will love the stories of Nick Newton. Grab your copy now, and get ready for an adventure more than a hundred years in the making!

Click here to get 

Nick Newton's Guide to Cryogenic Time Travel

on Amazon / Kindle 

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