Monday, October 31, 2022

I Wish I Had a Dinosaur


I Wish I had a Dinosaur:

Fantastic children's book about

dinosaurs and dogs

Jack loves dinosaurs. Do you know someone like that? But Jack also loves his pet dog, Max. But on his fourth birthday, Max wishes his dog was a dinosaur. Nothing happens at first, but in this charming story Max grows into an almighty T-Rex. Underneath the terrible lizard exterior Max is still in there and just wants to play fetch and chase the mailman.

We all have a book in us. This dinosaur tale came about when a visit to the local toy store turned into a freakish horror story claims the author; David Davies.
During a routine trip to the toy shop bathroom, his son’s tiny hand became trapped in one the fixtures resulting in an ambulance ride to the local hospital. Then a transfer to a specialist children’s hospital and surgery. But while David stayed at his bedside, this story grew. A story about a boy wishing for a dinosaur and his wish coming true.
Then, after being unable to work due to Covid, David wrote the jurassic story and sent it various publishers. And in November 2021, this book was finally released. So, he could share the story so loved by his own son in his hour of need.
Available in paperback and ebook as well as notebooks, doodle pads and other educational material, available on Amazon.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Danny the Dino Explorer


Danny the Dino Explorer

A dinosaur experience like no other as we follow Danny trying to find a Tyrannosaurus rex skull during a school field trip. As he begins to examine it he is instantly taken back 55 million years ago where he comes face to face with a few dinosaurs and learns a little bit along the way too.

Beautifully animated and fun for all dinosaur lovers alike. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did creating it.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

10 Short Fairy Tale Stories


10 Short Fairy Tale Stories
10 short fairy tale stories in one book. Every story in this book shows you how to overcome obstacles, don't believe in something just because everyone else does, follow your heart, don't let anything get in the way of your goals, and things will work itself out. All types of morals and lessons that you can learn from in this book. Even though fairy tales are written for children in mind, there is a lot of adult reference in it. This book is for all ages and backgrounds.

or find out more on the book Instagram page

Friday, October 28, 2022

Kana The Curious



Kana is excited to see her extended family members in her home.
She knows they came to celebrate GUSABA but she doesn’t understand what it means.
Kana the curious is determined to learn all about GUSABA.
Follow her on her journey, as she learns and understands about GUSABA, the Rwandan traditional marriage ceremony.

Click here to get KANA THE CURIOUS on Amazon 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Stephen A. Adams Writer of novels, children's stories, picture book.


Writer of novels, children's stories, picture book.

Hi there. My name is Stephen Adams.

I recently lost Sue, my wonderful wife, to cancer. I miss her terribly.

Having gone up and down the grief ladder, I have decided that the best way to handle it is to write about her. It's my individual way of coping, my attempt to keep Sue here. It may sound very strange, but for me, it's very cathartic.

My first books were about Sue as an 8 year old. (Special Susie and the Mystery of..........)

Followed by a treasure adventure for Susie and her friend Stephen, (guess who that is)

There is also a story about a young princess that involves searching for a fairy, a mermaid, and a unicorn.

I have also produced 3 picture books. Two are about a playful puppy called Fluffy. The third is dedicated to Sue, as it lists all the places We Never Went. All 3 picture books are in rhyme.

In betweeen the above, I have managed to write 3 novels: My Wife, My Angel; The Therton Legacy; A Girl And A Boy. All three feature Sue and I in various guises. i love them!

I currently have an MG story where a girl is transformed into a fairy. She has a multi-coloured dress and wand. She can talk to animals and even has a floral crown of invisibility. Ultimately, she has a battle with the evi Dark Fairy.

It seems with Sue as my muse and inspiration, I cannot stop writing.

n.b. I've been asked why the name 'Special Susie'. Well, when Sue was at school, there were 6 or 7 other Susans in her class. The teacher gave them all nicknames, so she was never called by her correct name for years. She always looked sad at this. I used to give her a hug and say : "Don't worry darling, you'll always be My Special Susie".

And that is what I always called her. My beautiful special Susie.

Click here to see Stephen A. Adams

Amazon Author Page US Store

Click here to see Stephen A. Adams

Amazon Author Page UK Store

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Book Promotion Help


This is the service we use all the time to share our books, so we wanted to share it with you as well.  Check out all the great features and help this offers you and your book.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Flamingo Lou


Flamingo Lou

Flamingo Lou is a curious bird who causes chaos at the zoo!

Flamingo Lou is a delightful rhyming story about a flamingo that causes chaos at the zoo.

Flamingo Lou is a very curious, friendly bird who accidently figures how how to turn all the colors of the rainbow. Your loved ones will love this adorable, imaginative story.

Click here to get Flamingo Lou on Amazon 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Maya and Scar


A children’s book about the unlikely friendship between a mermaid and a monster that explores friendship and accepting our differences.

Click here to get Maya and Scar on Amazon 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Silver Moonlit Words


Silver Moonlit Words:

A Tale of the Corner on the Farm

The sun is setting, and Lester the Great Blue Heron has returned to his home: the Corner on the Farm. Watch as Lester brings to life all your favorite parts of the farm, from the orchards to the splashpad to the tractors! With fresh, bright illustrations, and haikus that are fun for little ones and poignant for parents, Lester shows what the farm life is really all about: love and family.

Click here to get Silver Moonlit Words on Amazon

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Witch of Kelvert


The Witch of Kelvert

 The winds seem to grow stronger
every year. Exiled to her home in a
cavern in the cliffs, Nuyani awakes
to a new horror plaguing the
drylands. As the new threat arises,
she is forced to survive against beasts,
specters, and the persecution of her
people, the Kelvertians.
Along the way, she makes choices
shaping the fate of the land,
discovers a past buried in secret,
and learns the reason behind her
ember glowing eyes.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Coming Home To You


Coming Home to You

Coming Home to you is a story about a soldier whose son was born the day before he was deployed to combat. This story shows the love and commitment a parent has even while being on the other side of the world. The story shows how the soldier always has his child on his mind during the difficulties of a combat deployment. The story also shows how he is not the only parent , other soldier mommies and daddies are coming to and from combat deployments. The soldier eventually returns home to his son now a year old now. And even though the soldier regrets having to leave his son for so long, his love and commitment to his son is unwavering.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Flying O' Bryan Dream Big

Flying O' Bryan Dream Big

This masterpiece by Morgan Sheeka narrates a beautiful story of a young boy named O’ Bryan and his passion. It is a fun-filled adventurous book for children of various age groups. This book teaches valuable life lessons to the readers. 

Click here to get Flying O' Bryan Dream Big on Amazon / Kindle US Store

Click here to get Flying O' Bryan Dream Big on Amazon / Kindle CA Store

Click here to get Flying O' Bryan Dream Big on Barnes and Nobles


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

My First Pre-Handwriting Practice


My First Pre-Handwriting Practice:

Writing Activity Book for Toddlers

Write on!

Junior Chapter’s Pre-Handwriting Activity Book is filled with basic writing activities which are perfect for helping little ones aged 3+ prepare for preschool. Plus, it makes learning pre-handwriting skills super fun! From tracing lines, letters, and shapes to counting numbers, your child will love mastering the art of writing with this book.

This workbook provides step by step guide to:

• Tracing Lines and Shapes

• Writing the Alphabet in uppercase and lowercase

• Writing numbers from 0 to 10


• 100+ pages

• Blank pages to avoid bleed-through

• Certificate of Achievement at the end of the Activity Book

Give your toddlers an early advantage in preschool by getting your hands on our Pre-Handwriting Practice Activity Book today!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Best Book Award Contest


Contest Features
  • Chance to win one of $50,000 in free prizes just for entering.
  • Chance to have your book made into a movie or TV show.
  • Chance to be published by an award winning traditional publisher.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading author marketing and PR firm.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading literary management company.
  • Additional award competition for illustrated books.
  • More features including a book review, award ceremony, and publicity.

Become an award-winning author! Book awards grab the attention of bookstores, publishers, libraries and readers, which can translate into increased sales. If you place in our contest you will be able to add your Readers' Favorite award seal to your book and all other marketing materials as well as identify your book as an "award-winning book" and you as an "award-winning author."

We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140+ genres. We do not have a word count restriction or a publication date requirement, which means it does not matter when or if your book was published. We are an international competition, but your work must be in English. 

Win one of $50,000 in prizes just for entering

All authors are automatically entered to win one of more than 200 prizes worth a combined total of $50,000 just by entering the Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest. Prizes are generously donated by industry experts who support our contest and our authors. Winners are picked at random, and it does not matter how many categories you entered or whether you won an award or not. Prize winners will be announced on September 1st along with the contest results.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Little Herbs Workbook


little herbs workbook: the wild edition 1

A great little introduction for children to learn about herbs! Welcome to the amazing, magical and wonderful world of herbs! Be Miz Bee's little herbalist sidekick learning about the plants around you. Learn with games, activities and more! When you have completed the workbook receive your Certificate

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Leaning to Draw at a Halloween Party


Learning to Draw at a Halloween Party

The best fun for kids. Halloween attractions: Learning to draw, fun for children (5-8 years), Halloween party, halloween accessories, coloring book, fun for kids

If you are organizing a Halloween party for your children, moms will give you the perfect attraction to diversify the fun. Our coloring book was created with the intention of teaching children to sketch. We used the theme "halloween" and combined it with great fun. A notebook that has 30 pages and lots of examples carefully designed so that your son or daughter could easily and easily draw one of the characters. It is a very important game that combines entertainment with the manual development of a child. Each one is divided into sectors in which we show step by step how easy it is to sketch beautiful characters ourselves. After the sketch is obtained, we only need to color the given illustrations. This form of play also develops creativity in our children on many levels. An important element of this game is also the fact that it is a time-consuming process that will force the child to focus on a given task. Our book can also be a very good gift for our relatives and children. By buying it in the form of a gift, we can boast of a creative gift that will interest the child for a long time. Summing up the whole of our description, it will definitely be a good purchase choice because:

Builds creativity in children

It allows you to polish the manual abilities of a kid

The best attraction at a party

Rich in examples and carefully refined to build self-confidence in children

We wish you an unforgettable Halloween holiday!

Click here to get

Learning to Draw at a Halloween Party

on Amazon

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Killing Pain


Killing Pain:

Understanding the Opioid Pandemic and the American Obsession with Oxycontin, Heroin, and Other Painkillers

In 1996, the FDA approved and endorsed Perdue Pharmaceutical’s new drug, "Oxycontin" as a non-addictive pain reliever. 

Since 1996, the CDC reported 841,000 drug overdose deaths nationwide. 

In the 12 months ending in April of 2021, over 103,000 Americans died from a drug overdose. 

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that Americans 50 years old and younger are more likely to die of a drug overdose than any other cause. 

Do you ever wonder why teenagers and even pre-teens now prefer heroin over tobacco and marijuana? Do you wonder how heroin went from a taboo drug to the most abused drug, or how it came out of the shadows and is now everywhere? Prescribed pain killers, heroin, and now deadly Fentanyl are in every neighborhood in the country. Addiction affects everyone.

Why do millions of middle class and upper class Americans throw away everything they have and more just to feed their opioid addiction?

Do you wonder how this began, where it came from? What caused this out-of-control opioid pandemic?

What fuels the dynamics of the addicted brain, and is there a solution?

Killing Pain explains in a very personal and brutally honest way how it all began, how easy it is to become addicted to opioids, and what it takes to get clean again. As bad as it is, there is a solution.

Click here to get Killing Pain on Amazon / Kindle 



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