Thursday, October 27, 2022

Stephen A. Adams Writer of novels, children's stories, picture book.


Writer of novels, children's stories, picture book.

Hi there. My name is Stephen Adams.

I recently lost Sue, my wonderful wife, to cancer. I miss her terribly.

Having gone up and down the grief ladder, I have decided that the best way to handle it is to write about her. It's my individual way of coping, my attempt to keep Sue here. It may sound very strange, but for me, it's very cathartic.

My first books were about Sue as an 8 year old. (Special Susie and the Mystery of..........)

Followed by a treasure adventure for Susie and her friend Stephen, (guess who that is)

There is also a story about a young princess that involves searching for a fairy, a mermaid, and a unicorn.

I have also produced 3 picture books. Two are about a playful puppy called Fluffy. The third is dedicated to Sue, as it lists all the places We Never Went. All 3 picture books are in rhyme.

In betweeen the above, I have managed to write 3 novels: My Wife, My Angel; The Therton Legacy; A Girl And A Boy. All three feature Sue and I in various guises. i love them!

I currently have an MG story where a girl is transformed into a fairy. She has a multi-coloured dress and wand. She can talk to animals and even has a floral crown of invisibility. Ultimately, she has a battle with the evi Dark Fairy.

It seems with Sue as my muse and inspiration, I cannot stop writing.

n.b. I've been asked why the name 'Special Susie'. Well, when Sue was at school, there were 6 or 7 other Susans in her class. The teacher gave them all nicknames, so she was never called by her correct name for years. She always looked sad at this. I used to give her a hug and say : "Don't worry darling, you'll always be My Special Susie".

And that is what I always called her. My beautiful special Susie.

Click here to see Stephen A. Adams

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