Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lily and The Golden Frog


Lily and The Golden Frog

Lily and the Golden Frog is a delightful tale of one young girl who wishes to see the world. Armed with her shiny pink purse, Lily sets out on the adventure of her life. She meets several interesting characters and discovers the importance of giving back thanks to the strange power of her shiny pink purse. Beautifully illustrated and filled with essential morals every child should learn at a young age, Lily and The Golden Frog is a unique book that teaches children it's never too early to think about others.

Use the Links Below to find out more about
Lily and The Golden Frog

Moonstar: Love Letter


The Moonstar visits children who are sad for various reasons. The Moonstar helps them to open their hearts. He helps them to let go of their sadness and feel the love and joy they have inside. He reminds them of what they really are: shining stars and pure love. This time he visits Kamil, an 8-year-old boy who is in love with a girl and he is being punished for writing her a love letter. The Moonstar shows him that he has done everything right and that there is nothing braver than showing his love.

Monday, November 28, 2022

When I Grow Up I want to be a Superhero!


When I grow up I want to be a Superhero!
An imaginative child, who wants to be a superhero, learns about different professions and how everyday heroes do not always wear capes. Reading this book will allow children to learn about and appreciate the different role models in their everyday life. It teaches young ones to aspire and pursue careers they enjoy and help those around them.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Isaiah's First Winter


Isaiah´s First Winter (Forest Friends) 

Isaiah´s First Winter is the first book in the new, inspirational children's book series Forest Friends. Isaiah makes some great friends and they have lots of fun over the summer. When the winter comes, Isaiah is worried about how he will handle being without his friends over the winter. Isaiah gets advice from those around him who he trusts, but ultimately he has to do what is right for him.

Packed with beautiful illustrations, this inspiring story is about how to deal with challenging changes that come up in friendship and life.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Trey and The Great Greece Adventure

Trey and The Great Greece Adventure:

Friendship, Travel, and Self-Esteem Building

(Trey, A Basketball, and a Dream)

Trey and the Great Greece Adventure is a story about an exciting experience in the life of a young basketball fan. 

Trey is a young boy who often felt alone and friendless until Marcus Rogers magically appeared. Marcus introduced Trey to travel and friendship as they took an amazing excursion around the country of Greece. He exposed Trey to some of the most famous landmarks in the country while renewing his faith in himself and equipping him with social-emotional skills he can use forever. Friendship can change everything!

Grab your copy of this diverse children’s book and join Trey in his journey through Greece.


Trey and the Great Greece Adventure is the first of an octology of children’s books. The 8-book series takes kids on a journey from different European countries on into China. Throughout the octology, our future, will learn about many diverse cultures, backgrounds, and upbringing while acquiring social-emotional learning skills needed to get through moments in life. There are a number of scenarios that are present throughout the stories that will allow kids to apply self-awareness, social awareness, and decision making, foremost.

Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the future books!

About the Author

In many parts of the world, Tyrese Rice is known as one of the most successful professional athletes of his time. To family and friends, he wears the cape of a caring, ambitious, loving, devoted father of two. As a child from the small city of Salisbury, NC, he moved to Richmond, VA, at 9 years old, and his dreams were, and have remained, big. No matter the challenges, Tyrese had an internal belief that anything is possible. This belief has led him to experiences that will last a lifetime! Even in his wildest dreams, he never thought of going to to another country, let alone live in one--nine countries, as of now, from Greece to China--creating relationships with people all over the world that Tyrese still holds dear to his heart. This was never part of the vision, but remains very grateful for the game of basketball and it leading to this experience. In this story, basketball was the driver, but in your story, it can be anything that you love. Tyrese’s journey after basketball has ignited his greatest passion for learning, teaching, and serving others. And now, Tyrese wants to share this part of his adventure with you.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Our Perfect Family


This lovely tale is about a family that is preparing to welcome a little member into their lives. Daddy is taking care of Mommy in every way. The kids, Yesenia, Junior, and Haven, are eager to meet their baby brother. The Grandma (MIMA) and Grandpa (PIPA) of baby Aiden are also recalling their amazing life moments to share them with baby Aiden. They are ready to shower their love and care on him. Aunt Feenie and Uncle Mikey are also a beautiful part of their family who love the kids and tell them fantastic tales filled with adventure. Mommy is thankful and proud of her family, especially her kids, who are proving to be the best siblings for baby Aiden.

Click here to get Our Perfect Family on Amazon / Kindle 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Great Piggly Wiggly Heist


The Great Piggly Wiggly Heist by Drew Perry. It's a Southern Gothic Crime Drama about a grocery store employee getting fed up and deciding to rob the store he works at after an unfortunate turn of events. Here's the description on the back of the book: Eric’s life is falling down around him. He lost out on the promotion of his life to a guy he’s never even met. His Uncle Buck moved back in with him driving a stolen car, bringing a gang of meth-selling bikers down on the both of them. Now with only six days before the bikers return and his sanity slipping he is at the brink with only one goal in mind: robbing the Piggly Wiggly to pay them back. Will he have time to break out of the cycle of violence and crime that Buck started, or will he be pulled into the riptide and be made another victim?


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Way Out Wayne


Things don’t change much in Wayne, West Virginia, but there hasn’t been this much excitement in years. The high school football team looks like a genuine state championship contender. That was before the Plymale situation...

Senior Scott Plymale isn't the biggest star of the Pioneer team, but his grit and presence are a key to the Pioneer's success this season. Coming off an injury that ended his junior season, all is going according to plan until a bizarre on-field incident threatens to jeopardize the Red and Black's dream season while it throws his personal life into chaos. 

Genuine, funny, and unvarnished, Way Out Wayne is a fictional account of one team and one town’s quest for a football championship while it explores growing up in modern Appalachia.

Way Out Wayne is suitable for most audiences; however, readers should be aware that it features some strong locker room language and underage drinking.

Way Out Wayne paints a vivid portrait of the many faces and facets that make Friday nights in the fall so special. When I read these pages, I can smell the popcorn, see the players ripping through the brightly colored paper banner as they run on the field, and hear the cheers and grumblings coming from the home stands. 

The book also encourages the reader to ride the very real rollercoaster known as teenaged life and experience the trappings of a close-knit but occasionally troubled community. I was blessed to have a career that allowed me to write and talk about high school sports for 25 years, and this book immediately puts every one of my senses back on the sideline.

--Mike Stevens, Virginia Sports Hall of Fame broadcaster and longtime Friday Football Extra host

Monday, November 21, 2022

Get On Board with Book Promotion Library


Are you an Author?  Do you need help?  Are you open to learning and sharing?

Well then we have the place for you.  Book Promotion Library is creating a movement to help authors learn and grow their skill.  Not only in book creation, but in book marketing, promotion and positive attitude around the entire process of creating and sharing your books.  The base service is free with a new weekly video focused on a specific action you can take to improve your life as a writer.   This is not just a class this is a movement and a constant flow of experience, education, and enjoyment.  

Click the link below to join the Movement!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Stolen By Pan


Stolen by Pan

(Stolen by Pan Trilogy Book 1)

"The Peter Pan standing in front of me does not have an inviting smile or a cute little fairy flying by his shoulder. He has not shown me an ounce of kindness, and definitely has not offered me to play a game of treasure hunt. He is not the innocently playful twelve-year-old boy I had imagined him to be. Instead, he is a teenager with a blood-stained dagger and a fire in his eyes that leads me to believe that everything the fairy tales told me about him was a lie." 

Kit was just trying to have a nice night at prom when her life was flipped upside down. Now she is stuck in Neverland and Peter Pan is telling her she is the reason that his island is in danger. All she wants is to go home, but all Peter wants is for Neverland to return to normal. Kit is going to be thrown into a story she has never taken seriously before and realize that her life is more intertwined with the fairy tales than she would like for it to be. Familiar characters will show their true colors and Kit will find out that even some of the most beloved childhood characters can turn out to be the worst villains. 


Friday, November 18, 2022

Understanding Your Cravings


Understand Your Cravings:

A self therapy guide on how to stop bad eating


Do you feel like you can't stop yourself from eating, no matter how hard you try? Does binge eating have you feeling stressed, angry, and sad while reaching for that extra burger, only to circle back feeling even more stressed, angry and sad?

Perhaps the opposite is true, and you suffer from anorexia nervosa or are scared to death of gaining weight, so you simply don't eat, or use laxatives, diet aids, diuretics, and vomit your food back up?

Use this self therapy guide on eating disorders to pave the way to healing and adopting a new lifestyle without remorse or suffering. Develop a keener understanding of eating disorder treatments for a number of common disorders while learning actionable, practical tips and intuitive eating exercises that you can easily employ today to get your life back on track!

In this 
succinct but powerful book, you will learn to shift your mindset and core approach to combatting:

  • Bing Eating Disorder
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Rumination Disorder
  • Pica

Adopt these principles and understand how to stop bad eating for good. Understand your cravings and begin the journey to a new you.

Click here to get Understand Your Cravings

on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Harry Moon Wand - Paper - Scissors


Harry Moon:  Wand - Paper - Scissors

In this origin story, Harry Moon is up to his eyeballs in magic. In the small town of Sleepy Hollow where every day is Halloween night, his archenemy, Titus Kligore, has eyes on winning the annual Scary Talent Show. Harry's sister, Honey Moon, says Harry needs better tricks so he finds a new and better magic wand. Still, Harry has a tough job ahead of him if he is going to steal the crown. He takes a chance on a magical rabbit who introduces him to the deep magic. Harry decides the best way forward is to "do no evil " while the battle to defeat Titus goes epic.

Find Out More About Harry Moon and Pick Up Your Copy at

Also Available on Audible

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The True Story of Mrs. Claus



The True Story of Mrs. Claus

The whole world knows the legend of Santa Claus, but few people realize that he wouldn’t be able to do what he does without the help of his beloved wife. If you don’t know the truth about Santa and Mrs. Claus, I’d say it’s time you learned.
Robert Canter has given the world a creative but wholesome reimagining of a Christmas character whole is well-known but is often overlooked, and he manages to keep Christ in Christmas.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Baby Jesus


Baby Jesus
This is a heartwarming tribute to Jesus' birth as the King of kings. This lyrical rendition of the manger story will delight you and your family. This book is the perfect, Christian Christmas gift for kids, to encourage their faith and understanding of the holy birth. It will become a Christmas tradition you’ll enjoy every year. As you witness your child's growth and comprehension of the true meaning of Christmas.

A Christmas Advent calendar is included at the end of the book. Throughout the advent, you will find scriptures that show how Jesus taught on the theme of each page. Each day's theme is accompanied by actions you can take to celebrate it.

As a parent, you can plan activities for your child based on their age and interests. To match each theme, you can plan movies, music, crafts, games, and special foods. As a result, each household's advent is unique. Changing it each year as your child grows allows you to make it more personal.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Readers' Favorite Book Award Contest For Your Books


Contest Features
  • Chance to win one of $50,000 in free prizes just for entering.
  • Chance to have your book made into a movie or TV show.
  • Chance to be published by an award winning traditional publisher.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading author marketing and PR firm.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading literary management company.
  • Additional award competition for illustrated books.
  • More features including a book review, award ceremony, and publicity.

Become an award-winning author! Book awards grab the attention of bookstores, publishers, libraries and readers, which can translate into increased sales. If you place in our contest you will be able to add your Readers' Favorite award seal to your book and all other marketing materials as well as identify your book as an "award-winning book" and you as an "award-winning author."

We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140+ genres. We do not have a word count restriction or a publication date requirement, which means it does not matter when or if your book was published. We are an international competition, but your work must be in English. 

Win one of $50,000 in prizes just for entering

All authors are automatically entered to win one of more than 200 prizes worth a combined total of $50,000 just by entering the Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest. Prizes are generously donated by industry experts who support our contest and our authors. Winners are picked at random, and it does not matter how many categories you entered or whether you won an award or not. Prize winners will be announced on September 1st along with the contest results.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Let's See the World! - The Great Desert



Lets See The World!: The Great Desert 

Join Freddy on another adventure. This time he's surfing on the sands of the Great Desert! Why not come along for the ride?!
Freddy encounters the animals and people who call the Great Desert their home. Join him as he helps discover the most precious desert treasure of all, water!
A beautifully illustrated children's picture book and fun for the whole family.
This is a picture book for children with beautiful illustrations. It’s fun and educational, with a Did-You-Know section and a word search at the back.
Whether you’re looking for kids books on kindness, children's adventure stories, kids books on friendship or simply amazing books for kids, this is one book you’ll love having in your child’s library.
Download or order your copy today!
Lets See The World! is a beautifully illustrated series of books, aimed at children from five years and upwards. Join Freddy as he learns about the world around him and helps those he meets along the way.

on Amazon / Kindle UK Store
Also Available on Kindle Unlimited

Friday, November 11, 2022

Dilly Duck Plays All Day


Dilly Duck Plays All Day

On the bank of a great big lake in a park called Wonder Wake, Dilly Duck sits all alone, so sad and bored on her own. There is just one thing to do. Find her friends, her flock, her crew! DILLY DUCK PLAYS ALL DAY is a rhyming picture book written to expand pre-reading skills, math skills, and emotional vocabulary for children ages 2-6. Parents and teachers will use this book as a school readiness tool as well as an anchor for extension activities. A fun-captivating read from author Holly DiBella-McCarthy. Enjoy a day with Dilly Duck and her friends in this interactive, rhythmic story!

Mom's Choice Gold recipient, three 5-star Reader's Favorite reviews, 5-star Pacific Book award.

After hearing Dilly Duck Plays All Day read, young children will be inspired to chime in again and again. In this story friends learn it’s okay to feel a range of emotions during play time while they count and rhyme through a day of exploration and adventure.

Also author signed copies available on website: where book, Dilly and Friends Coloring Activity book, and Dilly Duck plush can be ordered.


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