Friday, November 18, 2022

Understanding Your Cravings


Understand Your Cravings:

A self therapy guide on how to stop bad eating


Do you feel like you can't stop yourself from eating, no matter how hard you try? Does binge eating have you feeling stressed, angry, and sad while reaching for that extra burger, only to circle back feeling even more stressed, angry and sad?

Perhaps the opposite is true, and you suffer from anorexia nervosa or are scared to death of gaining weight, so you simply don't eat, or use laxatives, diet aids, diuretics, and vomit your food back up?

Use this self therapy guide on eating disorders to pave the way to healing and adopting a new lifestyle without remorse or suffering. Develop a keener understanding of eating disorder treatments for a number of common disorders while learning actionable, practical tips and intuitive eating exercises that you can easily employ today to get your life back on track!

In this 
succinct but powerful book, you will learn to shift your mindset and core approach to combatting:

  • Bing Eating Disorder
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Rumination Disorder
  • Pica

Adopt these principles and understand how to stop bad eating for good. Understand your cravings and begin the journey to a new you.

Click here to get Understand Your Cravings

on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited

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