Sunday, December 25, 2022

Raising Teenagers: Demystified and Made Easy


Towards Thoughtful Parenting for Nurturing Love, Solving Troubles, and Fostering Lifelong Success

Why is it that parents of teenagers are faced with more challenges than before? What is happening in teen lives these days?

What are the problems unique to this generation of teens? How can parents relate to their teens today?

How can parents speak to teens so they may listen? How can bad behavior and perhaps bad influence at school be addressed? How could parents respond to mental health concerns in their kids?

What about special kids? How can parents get teens to be involved in academics when they seem more interested in a crush or playing video games!?

How would one teach financial responsibility to these wannabe adults, who unknowingly and often drill a hole in their parent’s pockets?

All these and more are questions that plague the minds of parents of Gen Z teens. To help parents, the wisdom of modern behavioral sciences is made available to parents in this easy-to-read handbook. Very often vignettes are used to anchor key messages and make them practical.

This book will prove an easy, quick, and useful read for parents. This book will prove to be a handy instrument for parents who wish to make their teens able, responsible, well-behaved, and successful citizens.

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