Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Metaverse For Beginners


Metaverse for Beginners:

Cryptocurrency, NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Digital Assets in the Metaverse

Learn everything you need to know about the Metaverse, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and digital assets.
Are you wondering why the Metaverse is becoming increasingly popular?
Are you interested in learning more about the role of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and digital assets in the Metaverse?
Do you want to know how you and your business can benefit from this revolutionary innovation?
The Metaverse is growing more and more popular because it can potentially change the way that we interact with others and the world around us. It can reshape the way we create, use, exchange, and consume all types of creative content. You can buy real estate properties, go shopping, attend concerts, play sports, and engage in a wide range of activities in this virtual world. The Metaverse also offers a great opportunity for creators to monetize their content. It disrupts the barriers in the physical world, making it possible to get together with people who live anywhere on the globe.
In this book, you will:
- Learn what the Metaverse is and understand the technologies behind it
- Discover how different virtual worlds can come together
- Understand the difference between the Metaverse and other virtual worlds
- Find out about everything you can do in the Metaverse
- Understand why you should consider taking your business to the Metaverse
- Find out how to choose the right virtual world for your business
- Learn how to enter the Metaverse
- Discover the benefits that the virtual world offers to educational institutions
- Discover the different Metaverse use cases and projects
- Understand the drawbacks of joining a virtual world
- Find out how to make money in the Metaverse and get to know the job opportunities available
This book serves as the ultimate guide for understanding the Metaverse and the role that cryptocurrency, NFTs, and digital assets play in the virtual world. This book offers in-depth information about the Metaverse and the technologies behind it, all while being an interesting and entertaining read. Add this book to your cart and get into the Metaverse!

Use the Links Below to Get Your Copy

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Metaverse-Beginners-Cryptocurrency-Non-Fungible-Digital-ebook/dp/B0BVZQSGCY/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/metaverse-for-beginners-maxwell-robinson/1143075884;jsessionid=243A7F672C4E73B5F8BA53FB0F842C47.prodny_store01-atgap10?ean=2940167045828
iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id6445710922
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1344160
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/metaverse-for-beginners-6

Monday, February 27, 2023

How to Trade Stocks: While having fun at the Jersey Shore


How to Trade Stocks:

While having fun at the Jersey Shore

The fictional character Lewis McKinsey resides in New York City; which is near Wall Street, although professionally his external connections are immensely evident when considering his persistent known propensity in stating; “You can’t lose with the stuff Lou uses,” in most cases suggesting that…

‘It’s not whether you win or lose; but it’s, how you play the game.’

The first series it describes Lewis L. McKinsey as a wealthy businessman who reminisces of the past. Initially, the saga displays his current business reality. Then later deliberately unfolds into encumbered details reminiscing of his coming of age; by exploring varied vibrant profound glimpses of exuberant youthful experiences, especially, when visiting the Jersey Shore, which occurred long before his college days, and successful career apparatus.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Homeless to Hopkins



Childhood should be a time of love, safety, and security.  Childhood shouldn’t be hard. But for Dr. Christopher Smith, what shouldn’t have been was.

Raised with ten other children in what some suggest is one of the happiest states in the nation, Chris’ Utah childhood was extraordinarily chaotic: plagued by poor decisions of dysfunctional parents, void of even the pretense of financial security, constantly on the move when angry landlords served eviction papers, and devastated by the death of a younger brother.  Chris struggled with the deep emotions of this tumultuous life leading him to nearly take his own life at 12 years of age. 

Frequent visits to the library took him to worlds far away from the terrible life he endured. Yet the joy found in fictional worlds of wonder proved fleeting when Chris’ family was kicked out of a rental home in mid-winter with no alternate accommodations to be found. Chris’ life reached its nadir as he was forced to spend his nights in an unheated car, where freezing to death in his sleep seemed a welcome option.

Despite being homeless, Chris earned a scholarship to college and married Teena, his soulmate. Although they soon learned that life still had many serious challenges to throw at them, they prospered together and overcame trial after trial, including being victims of identity theft by Chris’ parents and health issues that nearly ended Teena’s life. They adopted two children and had three more of their own. Chris was accepted to medical school and overcame all odds to become a resident physician at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, eventually becoming a faculty member as a practicing physician. His knack for medicine, strength of will and tenacity for learning led him to become a successful radiologist.

This is the story of Dr. Christopher Smith, the raw and deeply personal account of his journey—From Homeless to Hopkins.

Click here to get Homeless to Hopkins on Amazon / Kindle 


Friday, February 24, 2023

Forget about diets. You are a food addict


A recovered obese will teach you the proven 3+4 Method to achieve weight loss and maintain a healthy weight for life. It is based on personal experience, not just theory, and leaves no stone unturned

As a recovered obese person, the author has hit rock bottom with his weight and made it back to tell his tale. His practical approach is the ultimate guide to finally getting control of the weight that perhaps you had given up on changing before now.  


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Bad Behavior in the Workplace A Career in Jeopardy


Bad Behavior in the Workplace

A Career in Jeopardy

Dr. Andrew Brown is at the top of his game. After spending decades clawing his way through jungles of bureaucratic red tape and pushing the edge of the medical status-quo, he’s the head of the Pediatric Oncology unit of the prestigious Rose Children’s Hospital in New York City and is nationally recognized as a leader in his field. 

But when an inappropriate and angry outburst at work puts his career, his reputation, and his marriage, in jeopardy, he has no choice but to take the first few uncomfortable steps toward change.

With his back against the wall, Andrew harnesses his years of experience and confronts his demons. With a team of colleagues and sympathetic researchers by his side, Andrew sets out to discover not only the cause of his own temper but the very origins of rage in the human psyche. Delving into the genealogical and historical roots of human anger, his search leads him not only to shocking revelations about the world around him but to a deeper understanding of his place in it.

Click here to get 

Bad Behavior in the Workplace A Career in Jeopardy

on Amazon / Kindle 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Many of us know what we DON'T want to do next, but do we know what we DO?
You'll be surprised how easy and effective this process is.
This is The Insiders Guide to Making a Quick Career Change for Mid-to-Senior Level Professionals
You really CAN make a successful career change.
If you want to understand the best way to launch your career transition successfully, then I have significant news for you.
Change isn't something that can be taught. It's person-dependent, and pivoting your life really is just a byproduct of all the events and things leading up to that point. Whether you're in career transition, relationship transition, life stage transition or experiencing the death or long-term illness of a loved one, change is upon you, whether you want it or not.
This book will open your eyes to:
6 Things Trying to Tell You It’s Time to Change
10 Solid Reasons to Change Right Now
8 Reasons Why It Might be Time to Change Your Job
​5 Strategies to Overcome Fear So You Can Make a Big Change
6 Ways to Push Yourself into Action when It’s Time for a Change
We help job seekers clarify their career goals, develop their elevator pitch, prepare them for interviews, negotiate their salary, and expand their network through resume and LinkedIn writing, career coaching, and reverse recruiting at CareerUpgrader.net.

Click here to get your copy of PIVOT

Monday, February 20, 2023

Writers of the Future Vol 39 Cover Reveal!

 Writers of the Future Vol 39 Cover Reveal!

The cover for the newest Writers of the Future has just been revealed!

Artist Tom Wood, is the master of distinctive fantasy art that is both eerie and beautiful.

He is also one of the judges for the Illustrators of the Future Contest, an international illustration contest for new artists.

Preorder your copy of the newest volume and redeem exclusive bonuses!

To redeem, send email with proof of order to: jwills @ galaxypress (dot) com

Book Description:

In the world of speculative fiction…

some of your favorite authors…

selected these stories for you to read.

Check out what Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Nnedi Okorafor, Robert J. Sawyer, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye and others chose as the best new voices of the year.

Twelve captivating tales from the best new writers of the year plus three bonus stories by bestselling authors.

From dark fantasy to space opera and time travel, you will love these sci-fi and fantasy stories because, as Locus magazine puts it, “Not only is the writing excellent...it is also extremely varied. Hot new talent.”

Pre-order now.

Here are the preorder links (the Kindle and Amazon links will be live on Feb 27th):

Books a Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/L-Ron-Hubbard-Presents-Writers/L-Ron-Hubbard/9781619867680?id=8748446917116

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-39-l-ron-hubbard/1142955660?ean=9781619867680

Bookshop.org (to support Indie bookshops): https://bookshop.org/p/books/l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-39-the-best-new-sf-fantasy-of-the-year-samuel-parr/19699175?ean=9781619867680

Writers of the Future 39 Cover Reveal

Join Illustrators of the Future judge Tom Wood, artist for the cover art of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39, and Writers of the Future judge Kevin J. Anderson, who wrote a short story inspired by the cover art and written in the Dan Shamble universe for the Cover Reveal event

[embed the event promotional video]

Special Bonus: Anyone participating in this cover reveal event will receive a free copy of a Dan Shamble: Zombie P.I. Adventure audiobook written and performed by Kevin J. Anderson!


You must register in advance to participate in the live Zoom event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcuytqj8uGNC4psMldYOJ3he9AMM9CNIO

Date & Time:

Mar 1, 2023, 07:00 PM PST

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Self-Regulation and Emotional Well-being for Kids


Self-Regulation and Emotional Well-being for Kids:

Understand, Empower and Equip your child to deal with their big Emotions, strong Feelings and impulsive Behaviors

Did you know that Developing self-regulation and emotional well-being skills help your child by 12% to have high academic success and decrease by 42% their physical aggression from their peers?

Self-Regulation and emotional well-being are learnings where children can develop and successfully apply knowledge and skills to understand and control thoughts, and emotions, show empathy to others, develop healthy relationships, set positive and realistic goals, and make sound decisions.

As parents or caregivers, after reading this book, you will have a clear answer to these questions:

  • How can you promote and support self-regulation in your child's development?
  • How can you help your child to build self-discipline?
  • What strategy can you use to relax and calm your child while angry?
  • How do you manage your child's negative feedback?
  • What changes in approach or strategies should you make to develop self-regulation and control in your child?

Self-Regulation for Kids allows them to explore, express, and take control of their big feelings, thoughts, and emotions. When children have difficulty self-regulating, it can make it harder for them to get along with peers and family members, hurt their academic achievement, and inhibit their ability to complete activities of daily living.

Self-regulation in kids is a proactive, self-directed process for attaining goals, learning skills, coping with big feelings & emotions, and managing emotional reactions, which fuels children to become socially and emotionally engaged lifelong learners. It needs an ongoing practice opportunity to develop robust self-regulation.

Did you know that to promote self-regulation in a child, you don't need to avoid difficult situations for kids to handle? But to coach kids and provide a supportive framework, the behavior you want to encourage until they can address these challenges on their own.

When children struggle with self-regulation, it often leads to behavior that makes them feel even worse and creates very stressful situations for other family members.

Self-regulation skills include self-control, self-awareness, emotional management, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. Learning to be brave and confident and tackle challenges is one of the essential steps in a child's development, and it's never too early to help little ones build those skills to feel good about themselves. 

Developing self-regulation is the seed that teaches children to become less reactive and more proactive in their learning with less frustration and distraction. It leads children to self-confidence and positive self-esteem. Child's minds develop rapidly, and toddlers are well on developing positive self-regulation.

By developing Self-regulation and control, you will learn:

  • How to identify and explore their big emotions, unhelpful thoughts, and feelings.
  • How to handle children's thoughts, anger, excitement, anxiety, and sadness.
  • How to use self-regulation strategies in any naturally occurring situations and learn to calm the child's body.
  • How to make a choice and a plan.
  • How to identify and be prepared for a condition that may be tricky for them to navigate.

This book is an easy-to-understand guide for parents, filled with engaging scenarios, plans, and methods that show kids how to be mindful to work through challenging emotions and feel happier.

Therefore, if you need a variety of "essentials" to help your kids learn about their thoughts, feelings, behavior, and actions, then this book is for you and every caregiver. Enjoy the read.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet


The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet

The Hungry and Healthy Alphabet provides a playful and fun way to show children, parents, educators and caregivers the healthier side of living. The author intentionally moves away from naming ordinary everyday foods and uses the alphabet as a tool to introduce children to foods that may be new or different. The need to create healthier lives for a healthier world starts with our most prized asset, our children.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ruin of the Dead


Ruin of the Dead


You are about to embark an adventure which will define yo.

What starts off as a peaceful visit to a cathedral of your faith turns into a thrilling journey to battle various evils that guard a mysterious thief. Can you retrieve the stolen holy relic in a race against time before he escapes.

Part Fighting Fantasy, part Jason Bourne where you get to read the action. 

You must make the vital decisions of your journey.




Paper, a pencil, and 1 six dice is all you need to make this journey.

  • A genre loved by young and old alike
  • A great way of encouraging children from screens and reading books
  • Perfect for the lone adventurer that loves fantasy realms

A Little Reader's Friend - Millie meets the Dinosaurs, The Natural History Museum:



A Little Reader's Friend - Millie meets the Dinosaurs, The Natural History Museum:

Let's use Punctuation! Book 1 in a young reader's series for 5-7 years olds, with exercises included

Did the dinosaurs really fart themselves into extinction? Was the Stegosaurus’ brain really in its bottom? Do you want to know what Dippy the Diplodocus ate for breakfast?

A Little Reader’s Friend, has been developed and written by teachers. Full of fun facts, each book includes a helpful workbook to guide reading. Is your Little Reader taking that next step, starting to read longer words and sentences using basic punctuation? Then, Millie meets the dinosaurs is just right for you and your Little Reader.

So, what's it about?

Millie is nervous in anticipation of her trip to the Natural History Museum. Unable to sleep the night before, Millie winds herself up believing that she will be gobbled up by dinosaurs during her visit. With an imaginary dinosaur lurking around every corner, her Mummy ultimately calms the storm of fears with fun and interesting facts, and assurances about the dinosaur extinction.

The book concludes with a challenge to readers "Are you brave enough to visit the Natural History Museum?” There is a series which is also ready, where Millie visits the aliens at the Science museum, the ghosts at the Tower of London and the mummies at the British museum. I just thought before publishing the remaining books, I should make some effort to push the original.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Me and My Shadow


Me and My Shadow

Me and My Shadow – memoirs of a cancer survivor, is a brutally honest account of one teenager’s struggle to understand and deal with the most feared diagnosis known to society: cancer.

At 18 years of age, John Walker Pattison was thrust onto a roller coaster ride of emotional turbulence - his innocence cruelly stripped from him; his fate woven into the tapestry of life.

After years of failed chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments that ravaged his physical frame and almost destroyed his psychological stability – his parents were told that he would not survive. Yet, today, he is one of the longest surviving cancer patients in the UK.

Eight years after his unexpected recovery, the news that all parents fear, his daughter is diagnosed with terminal leukaemia. Yet like her father, she too would defy the odds and go on to become an international swimmer.

Pattison turned his life full circle and became a cancer nurse specialist at the same hospital that made his diagnosis decades earlier. He prescribes chemotherapy and cares for individuals with the same cancers experienced by both him and his daughter.

Throughout his journey, Pattison's inspirations were the space rock legends, Hawkwind. He would get to play on stage with his heroes at the Donnington Festival in 2007.

More significantly, he found solace throughout his cancer journey in the history and spirituality of the Lakota Sioux Nation. In 2018, he would spend time on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with the indigenous people of South Dakota. The same people who, unknowingly, supported him through life's greatest challenge: cancer.

Click here to get Me and My Shadow on Amazon / Kindle


    VENGEANCE "Vengeance" by Darnella Thomas is a gripping murder mystery that follows the protagonist Josephine, who grows up in ...