Thursday, March 9, 2023

35 Letters


35 Letters:

Letters from a Mother to her Son

Her name is Mildred, or Mom. His name is Gordon, or Son. They haven’t spoken in three years. This is their story.

“35 Letters” is a compilation of found letters written by a mother to her absent son. Spanning from 1972 to the spring of 1980, these letters offer insight into the world of a wife and mother who is trying desperately to keep her life on track and family intact. Her words are sometimes kind, sometimes harsh, and oftentimes laced with guilt. Through the relaying of gossip and current affairs, she struggles to hold onto her mother-son relationship, while at the same time sharing her fears and giving us a small glimpse into her mental standing.

For those who did not live during the 70's, these letters will offer up moving stories and settings that are entertaining as well as educational. In reading each letter, the story builds and you will come to realize that life wasn't necessarily easy in small town America, even for a religiously devout woman. Although fictitious, the letters tell an engaging story and give the reader a sense of being part of the writer’s family.

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