Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Rebel: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Unique Philosophy Of Living

 Book Cover


How To Get The Most Out Of Your

Unique Philosophy Of Living

We enter the world screaming. At some point earlier in our lives... we stop.

We settle down. Conformity first encourages, then trains, and finally demands we put aside our blaring, obstinate, confrontational younger selves. To grow up to become affable and agreeable. To fit in and contribute as society envisions until our death day arrives and we leave without fuss or drama. A prepaid funeral, a final plus for good citizenship.

Aware of our uniqueness, we desire to fit in and be accepted as individuals. Our spark slowly extinguishing with stress and struggle, the world says any discontent is all on us—we choose and decide. It’s a little disingenuous. We inherit the guidelines and definitions of success. Pushed to pursuing knowledge and learning at the expense of seeking wisdom.

No wonder we revolt. Searching for some certainty, we form entrenched beliefs, highly motivated not to consider we might be wrong. Refusing to budge because at least what we defend at all costs is ours.

History shows there is a way to get the most out of our unique philosophy of living. The way of rebels who challenged the status quo, beginning with their own. They pushed boundaries, overcame impossible situations, discovered magical and unthinkable solutions.

In this quick read, we examine how we got to where we are now—why we stay there—and how to build a list of contrary rebel ideas to fully embrace our unique philosophy of living.

Book Cover 3d

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